coach, therapist, healer using enneagram

This quick reference guide captures the various aspects of each Enneagram Type including attributes, basic fears, desires, passions, virtues, fixations, defense mechanisms, and more!

Ashlie Woods

Director of the Business Division & Lead Coach at

I’m a Transformation Coach, Retreat Master, dance lover and Enneagram enthusiast. It’s my passion to facilitate experiences that liberate and empower people to live their fullest, more creative and self-expressed lives.

I spent 6 years designing and delivering corporate training programs focused on leadership development and company culture before making the bold leap to start my own retreat-based business.

Now I support heart-centered business owners (coaches, consultants, creatives, healers) to market, sell and deliver their transformational work in the world using their unique magical gifts. My hope is that the Enneagram Reference Guide provided here supports you in helping your clients move beyond the limits of their personality and into the true nature of their essence.

Thank you for all that you're doing to raise the vibration of consciousness on the planet
